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Business marketing іѕ а marketing practice оf individuals оr organizations (including commercial businesses, governments аnd institutions). It аllоwѕ thеm tо sell products оr services tо оthеr companies оr organizations thаt resell them, uѕе thеm іn thеіr products оr services оr uѕе thеm tо support thеіr works.

  • Google AdSense

    AdSense is not a get-rich-quick program.You have to build a site with lots of traffic to make it worthwhile.This free guide will give you a realistic overview of what you can expect from the program. Don't pay a cent for these "Get Rich Quick" books on AdSense. Many of them are all hype or they're trying to get you to purchase one of their products: Google.

  • Google AdWords

    If уоu hаvе thought аbоut starting уоur оwn website оr аlrеаdу hаvе one, аnd hаvе dоnе аnу research аt all, уоu hаvе read аbоut thе importance оf keywords. Evеrуthіng оn thе web іѕ driven bу keywords. It’s thе fuel thе Internet runs on.Onе оf thе ways tо gеt great traffic tо уоur website іѕ thrоugh thе Google Adwords program. Yоu select thе keywords уоu wаnt tо bid оn аnd set uр thе budget уоu wаnt tо uѕе tо gеt traffic based оn thоѕе keywords frоm websites thаt utilize thе Google Adsense program аnd оthеr sources.

  • Google Tools

    Google offers the widest range of professional tools for marketing, business and media. At the same time has an enviable platform with the full arsenal of hardware and software for optimizing your work:(Adsense,AdWork,Blogger,Email,Marketing Place,and Much more...

    Friday, July 12, 2013

    The Twitter Advertising Paradox

    In traditional online media, advertising is generally non-intrusive.  Banner ads are off to the side of a website somewhere.  Even if they’re built into the body of a blog post or article content, the text wraps around them with ease.  Even articles or blog posts that are promotional in nature still don’t completely intrude on the reader’s experience, because they should (when used correctly) be relevant to the theme of the website/blog and propose to add value to the reader.  You wouldn’t promote ABC eBook if you weren’t going to highlight the benefits and at least briefly tease the content. Twitter advertisements comprise an entirely new beast.  Here are my issues with Twitter ads: 1) The user who tweets the ad cannot sufficiently describe the benefits of the advertised product or service. Remember, there’s a 140 character limit.  It’s enough space to mention what it is you’re advertising and provide a link to it, but not much more. 2) Making decent money with Twitter ads is paradoxical in nature. What I mean by this is that you’re altering the experience of your Twitter account – the very experience that made you a popular person to follow in the first place.  Think about it.  You need to be popular and provide somewhat decent tweets for people to follow you and to continue following you (celebrities are probably an exception).  If, on Day 1, you constantly spammed your followers, they wouldn’t be around for long. Okay, so you build up your followers because you’re a person who provides value in your tweets.  Now that you have enough followers, you want to monetize your tweets.  The only way to do this is to advertise, which will thus intrude on your followers’ experience of following you.  This is different than putting a banner ad on your blog, because that doesn’t directly impact your content. You need to be popular for it to be worthwhile to tweet advertisements, however you won’t get popular if you advertise often.  And when you’re not popular, you need to advertise often to make any sort of money (since the payout will be much smaller).  If you advertise often, you won’t become popular.  Do you see the problem I’m getting at here?

    How Sponsored Tweets Works

    My criticism aside, Sponsored Tweets is a pretty cool and reputable Twitter advertising platform.  From their website, here is (very simply) the way it works: Unlike MyLikes, you can’t simply select any ad to promote and get paid per click.  When you begin, you get to set the following criteria (the most important one being your price): After you set your price, you’ll see offers that you can choose to accept or reject.  You’ll tweet those ads and your Sponsored Tweets account will be credited with the payment within 24 hours.  Once your account reaches $50, you can cash out.

    How Much Money Can I Really Make?

    The value of a tweet varies greatly depending on your popularity (the number of followers you have) and your influence (the % of your followers who will actually click a link you tweet).  As you can imagine, building a large base of followers is probably easier than actually having influence over them. Right now, My4HWW only has about 400 followers (follow me!), so as you might guess, my suggested charge per tweet isn’t very high: Currently, my account shows 15 opportunities I can take, but all of them pay small amounts.  Here’s a sample:   Obviously, I’m at the very low end of the “potential” for making money with Twitter.  If you have a lot of followers, here’s a peak at what you could potentially make per tweet: As you can see, some people charge a lot more than others among those with a similar number of followers.  This all goes back to influence – great influence over 2,000 followers may be more valuable than very little influence over 10,000 followers.  Sponsored Tweets also shows an influence score so that you can see each tweeter’s level of influence. Just for fun, let’s take a look at the top dogs (most of whom are celebrities): Can you imagine commanding almost $10,000 for a tweet?  It’s crazy.

    Strategy for Using Sponsored Tweets

    I’m all about strategy, even if it’s something as simple as Twitter.  I mentioned at the beginning of this review that the idea of tweeting ads can seriously conflict with your purpose on Twitter in the first place.  While that’s definitely true, I think you can sprinkle in some ads without significantly altering your followers’ experience. I’m not sure what a good ad to normal tweet ratio would be, but I think something like 1:4 makes sense.  In other words, for every four tweets you write, you can tweet one ad.  Inactive tweeters might only tweet one ad per day or one every two days, but active tweeters might tweet several ads a day. I think this is an important plan to keep in mind so that you don’t lose followers or get them to ignore your tweets.  Losing followers is obviously the worst case scenario, but having your followers start ignoring you is just as bad.  Imagine if you regularly used Twitter to get traffic to your blog, and now because of your excessive advertising, your followers began ignoring links to your blog posts.  It’s not a good position to be in.


    Overall, Sponsored Tweets can offer you a little bit of extra online income if used appropriately.  I would probably recommend working on building your Twitter following if you have less than 500 followers, before you start tweeting ads.  Twitter is still a more valuable tool for building relationships and traffic to your website or blog – income from Twitter advertising should remain a secondary priority. If you are interested, click here to try out Sponsored Tweets. I’d love to hear about any experiences you’ve had with Sponsored Tweets, or other Twitter advertising services. If you enjoyed this article, I’d really appreciate you sharing this post using the buttons below. Also (if you haven’t already), subscribe to the RSS feed so that you can have new posts delivered right to you. Thanks so much!

    Saturday, July 6, 2013

    If you have a website, a blog or any other kind of presence on the Internet, then Google has money to give you. It's called Google Adsense and it's a program that literally makes everyone a winner. 

    Advertisers get new clients or sales through the Adwords program. Google gets money to serve those ads. And you get money when people click on them. How do you spell cha-ching?

    Google Adsense: The Basics

    Using Internet search technology, Google will serve ads on web pages that are based on the specific content of that web page. For instance, if someone is on a webpage that's covering the latest golf tournament, Google will serve ads for golf clubs or golfing attire. If you own that site, you get paid every time someone clicks on that ad. Not too shabby. This is usually called CPC (Cost Per Click) advertising.
    Ways To Make Money OnlineI did a little bookmark scrub this morning and thought I would share the remaining content of my "Online Money" folder.  To warn you,  there are certain things that I don't like and never bookmark so: What's NOT included: Taking Paid Surveys, Getting Paid to Surf the Internet, MLM, Contest Sites, "Buy my DVD, CD, Audiobook", etc.

    How to make money on the Internet? This interesting flowchart from Fast Company offers some ideas other than Google AdSense.

    Make Money Online Working At Home

    It pays to cast your financial net online, where possibilities abound. Monetizing your expertise -- whether in social networking or transcribing -- is one way to make money while sitting at your computer at home. But others also are popping up, such as taking online surveys or even predicting election results. The good part: You don't have to pay a dime. And with some sites, you can start to make money online immediately. Most of these gigs are small, steady streams of cash. But they can add up to steady earnings over time. To avoid scams, forget unknown or untested sites with big promises. "Find out if the site is legitimate," says Nick Mokey, associate editor of DigitalTrends.com. "How long has it been around? And what are they asking you to do?" Also, keep a clock running so you can maximize your income without wasting your time. Follow these rules, and you'll find the Internet awash in moneymaking opportunities.

    Home Jobs Opportunities

    work-at-home jobs opportunities
    • Work-at-home opportunities are not just stuffing-envelope gigs anymore.
    • Web site that tracks at-home jobs finds 57 scams for every real one.
    • Self-motivation, job skills and independence are critical for at-home workers.

    Getting Started Earning Money on the Web:

    There are many ways to earn money in the Web industry. Most people immediately jump to building Web pages for other people, but there are other ways:
    • Advertising
    • Affiliate programs
    • Ecommerce
    • Selling content
    • Freelancing
    • Working for a business
    Earn Money Online workin Home[/caption] There is a lot of work involved in earning money on the Web no matter what path or paths you choose to take. But the great thing about working in the Web industry is that most of these opportunities have very low start up costs. In most cases, all you need is a computer with access to the Internet and a bank account to set up your business.

    It May Not Make You Rich, But There's Some Money In It

    If you hadn't already guessed, the Web is not going to be the wellspring of wealth that a lot of people assumed it would. Some people will get very wealthy, but other people will earn nothing, and, in the nature of business fail and go out of business. However, if your goals are a bit more modest, it is not unreasonable to expect your Web site to bring you some extra cash. Perhaps pay for the Web service it's running on and take your family out to eat once or twice a month. Perhaps more.

    Make Money From Home Online[/caption] The secret to making money isn't working at a high-paying job, it’s finding creative solutions to people’s problems, and it doesn't take a fancy degree to do that. To get your creative juices flowing, check out these common and not-so-common ways of lining your pockets. Below that, you’ll also find more general financial advice as well as some money-making ideas for kids.

    How to Make Money with Free Online Surveys:Looking for bucks in all the wrong places? Online surveys are a great way to pad your paycheck on your own time and with minimal effort. To find legitimate sites, go through the registration process, and become eligible to take surveys, follow these instructions.


    How to Make Money with Free Online Surveys

    Looking for bucks in all the wrong places? Online surveys are a great way to pad your paycheck on your own time and with minimal effort. To find legitimate sites, go through the registration process, and become eligible to take surveys, follow these instructions.

    Nowadays it pays to plan before you jump in the deep end, with Teens to Grandmas and everybody else in between producing and marketing their own products and services it is proven that there are ways to make a successful company with a good business plan behind you. One of the businesses that have created self made millionaires such as Crooks & Castles, LRG, Affliction, etc… is the clothing business. Have a great idea for a new clothing brand but don’t know where to start? Look no further we have the Top 10 list on how to start your own Successful Clothing Line!