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Business marketing іѕ а marketing practice оf individuals оr organizations (including commercial businesses, governments аnd institutions). It аllоwѕ thеm tо sell products оr services tо оthеr companies оr organizations thаt resell them, uѕе thеm іn thеіr products оr services оr uѕе thеm tо support thеіr works.

  • Google AdSense

    AdSense is not a get-rich-quick program.You have to build a site with lots of traffic to make it worthwhile.This free guide will give you a realistic overview of what you can expect from the program. Don't pay a cent for these "Get Rich Quick" books on AdSense. Many of them are all hype or they're trying to get you to purchase one of their products: Google.

  • Google AdWords

    If уоu hаvе thought аbоut starting уоur оwn website оr аlrеаdу hаvе one, аnd hаvе dоnе аnу research аt all, уоu hаvе read аbоut thе importance оf keywords. Evеrуthіng оn thе web іѕ driven bу keywords. It’s thе fuel thе Internet runs on.Onе оf thе ways tо gеt great traffic tо уоur website іѕ thrоugh thе Google Adwords program. Yоu select thе keywords уоu wаnt tо bid оn аnd set uр thе budget уоu wаnt tо uѕе tо gеt traffic based оn thоѕе keywords frоm websites thаt utilize thе Google Adsense program аnd оthеr sources.

  • Google Tools

    Google offers the widest range of professional tools for marketing, business and media. At the same time has an enviable platform with the full arsenal of hardware and software for optimizing your work:(Adsense,AdWork,Blogger,Email,Marketing Place,and Much more...

    Saturday, July 6, 2013

    If you have a website, a blog or any other kind of presence on the Internet, then Google has money to give you. It's called Google Adsense and it's a program that literally makes everyone a winner. 

    Advertisers get new clients or sales through the Adwords program. Google gets money to serve those ads. And you get money when people click on them. How do you spell cha-ching?

    Google Adsense: The Basics

    Using Internet search technology, Google will serve ads on web pages that are based on the specific content of that web page. For instance, if someone is on a webpage that's covering the latest golf tournament, Google will serve ads for golf clubs or golfing attire. If you own that site, you get paid every time someone clicks on that ad. Not too shabby. This is usually called CPC (Cost Per Click) advertising.
    The Major Benefits of Google Ads
    You may not even notice banner ads any more. As an Internet-savvy society, we have learned to filter them out. There is also banner filtering softwareavailable because banner ads can be very annoying, and that could harm your website readership. But Google Adsense is different:
    • Google Ads are less intrusive, so they don't annoy people
    • The content is RELATIVE, and therefore has more impact
    • People trust Google Ads because people trust Google
    • The payment model is generous and reliable
    • It's possible to make a healthy living from Google Ads
    That last point is paramount. How do you make a living from Google Ads? Well, with the right combination of traffic, content and users, you can make thousands of dollars every single month.
    Making a Google Adsense Income
    Let's be clear. You cannot expect to throw Google Ads onto your site, sit back and watch the money roll in. It doesn't work that way. Like anything in business, it takes an investment of your time to get a return that you can bank on. To understand the logistics of making money, you need to know the basic way Adsense works.
    How it Works
    Let's say you currently have a blog or website that gets 100,000 visitors every single month. That's over 1 million every year. Sounds like something that could make you money, right? Well, think of this:
      1. You have 100,000 ad impressions (views)
      2. You have a CTR (click through rate) of 1%, which is standard
      3. 1% of 100,000 = 1000
      4. If the CPC (cost per click) of the ad is $0.01, you make $10
      5. If the CPC (cost per click) of the ad is $1.00, you make $1000
    There's a big difference between the two, and obviously most ads do not pay out at the $1/click rate. The more obvious and widespread thekeyword of the ad (which is what triggers the ad itself), the lower the CPC. And that is info you can use.
    What You Can Do To Maximise Adsense Income
    Whether you want to make money off the blog or website you already have, or you want to create a blog with the sole purpose of making Adsense money, there are several ways you can increase your revenue:
    • Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) writing to maximize the keywords in your content.
    • Write more. The more you write about your subject, the more keywords you have for Google to search and feed ads to.
    • Write often. More content is everything, and the fresher the better.
    • Post useful, accurate content. When you post garbage filled with keywords it is difficult to read and doesn't bring people back. You want your site to be sticky, so that it generates traffic.
    • Find a niche. Talking about football is all well and good, but thousands of people are doing it. But movie soundtrack collections, that's another story.
    • Don't create too much bad traffic. It's easier than you'd think to create a lot of traffic, but if it's not qualified, which means there to read your content, then it will be a flash in the pan. It also affects your CTR.
    • Make use of Google Analytics. Google gives you the tools, for free, to make a profit.
    • Think differently. Don't just write the same old boring content that everyone else is. Have a new take on Mad Men? Got a better angle on knittingPlentyofFish.com, earns over $300,000 every month! But it's not just given away. You have to earn it. Now go, be successful.

    1 comment:

    1. Google Adsense is an easy way to make money from your blog. All you need to do is add a script from Google to your website and start displaying ads.
      You will get paid for every time a user clicks on the ad. These are called CPC ads.
      What is CPC? CPC stands for “cost per click.” By displaying CPC ads with Google Adsense, you receive a set fee every time an ad on your website is clicked by a visitor. The cost per click is set by the advertiser. (This is in contrast to CPM ads, where you’re paid for ad views instead of clicks. CPM means “cost per thousand impressions,” where M is the roman numeral for 1,000.)
      Google Adsense is a good way to start earning money online when you are first starting out.
      You can see our guide on how to monetize a WordPress blog with Google AdSense to get started, and this tutorial on how to optimize your AdSense revenue for more tips.
