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Business marketing іѕ а marketing practice оf individuals оr organizations (including commercial businesses, governments аnd institutions). It аllоwѕ thеm tо sell products оr services tо оthеr companies оr organizations thаt resell them, uѕе thеm іn thеіr products оr services оr uѕе thеm tо support thеіr works.

  • Google AdSense

    AdSense is not a get-rich-quick program.You have to build a site with lots of traffic to make it worthwhile.This free guide will give you a realistic overview of what you can expect from the program. Don't pay a cent for these "Get Rich Quick" books on AdSense. Many of them are all hype or they're trying to get you to purchase one of their products: Google.

  • Google AdWords

    If уоu hаvе thought аbоut starting уоur оwn website оr аlrеаdу hаvе one, аnd hаvе dоnе аnу research аt all, уоu hаvе read аbоut thе importance оf keywords. Evеrуthіng оn thе web іѕ driven bу keywords. It’s thе fuel thе Internet runs on.Onе оf thе ways tо gеt great traffic tо уоur website іѕ thrоugh thе Google Adwords program. Yоu select thе keywords уоu wаnt tо bid оn аnd set uр thе budget уоu wаnt tо uѕе tо gеt traffic based оn thоѕе keywords frоm websites thаt utilize thе Google Adsense program аnd оthеr sources.

  • Google Tools

    Google offers the widest range of professional tools for marketing, business and media. At the same time has an enviable platform with the full arsenal of hardware and software for optimizing your work:(Adsense,AdWork,Blogger,Email,Marketing Place,and Much more...

    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    When AdSense launched about a decade ago, people mostly accessed websites from their desktop or laptop computers. Fast forward today and all sorts of devices – mobile phones, gaming consoles, ebook readers and even televisions – are being used to connect to the Internet.
    Web designers are therefore increasingly relying on a technique called Responsive Web Design where a single layout of the websites works across all devices, irrespective of the screen size or the resolution of the device.
    Google AdSense ads are fixed-width but there’s a little workaround that can  make your Google ads responsive. The idea is that if a visitor is reading your web page on a large desktop screen, they are served the large 728×60 or 336×280 units while if another visitor is viewing the same page on a smaller mobile screen, you can dynamically serve the 200×200 (or similar) ad unit.
    I shared the relevant JavaScript snippet last year and, since then, its been a topic of debate in several online forum threads. The primary concern among web publishers was (and still is) that Responsive Google Ads could be against Google AdSense policies since they require modification in the default JavaScript code.
    Michel Wester of WebSonic.nl, an AdSense publisher from Netherlands, contacted the Google AdSense team for a confirmation and here’s the official response (in Dutch):

    “De voorbeeld website die u stuurt geeft al de juiste javascript code die u kunt gebruiken.” Google AdSense support has confirmed that Responsive Ads are allowed.
    The rough Dutch to English translation is:
    AdSense Ads can be adapted to different screen sizes using a simple JavaScript snippet. To take advantage of responsive design, create multiple ad formats, such as 728×90, 468×60 and 300×250. Then you implement an “if-else’ fragment so that the right ad format is displayed based on the size of the device of the user.
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    The example website that you sent has the correct JavaScript code that you can use. Well I would like to emphasize that further change the AdSense code is not allowed. Advertisements may also not be hidden with CSS.
    Thus you won’t violate any of the AdSense program policies for using responsive ads on your website. The JavaScript snippet isn’t modifying the AdSense code but is simply requesting a different ad unit based on the viewport width of the current visitor’s screen.

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    1. I am quite interesting in google adsense topic, I hope you will elaborate more on it in future posts.
      I am new to adsense and blogger.
      Thanks for sharing..

    2. I am quite interesting in google adsense topic, I hope you will elaborate more on it in future posts.
      I am new to adsense and blogger.
      Thanks for sharing..
